I have had an odd weekend where I have moved from room to room, coughing and wheezing, and then, desperate to get out, wrapped up for the weather and lasted 30 minutes before having to come inside again. I haven't been to the studio all weekend.
Saturday was cold and a bit drizzly for most of the day so I didn't mind being indoors. It got to around 2pm and I was climbing the walls to get out. I went for a wander, anticipating a half hour walk around the bay, but ended up staying out for much longer and finding my way to the sea cliffs. I also walked around the harbour but cannot remember when. My excuse is delirium.....
Anyway, I only took my phone as the wind was quite strong and I didn't want to carry the camera and tripod. I went with the anticipation of finding good spots to come back to with all the kit.
This sums up the place for me yesterday until I got to the sea cliffs:
Slightly unfair, because you don't have to look very far to find stunning natural beauty, but this was my pathetic ill mood.
The harbour reaped another type of reward. I love the broken down remnants of human activity.
That ladder looked so inviting.... Maybe tomorrow.
I then wandered into the odd mid area between the houses and the beginning of the countryside and found an odd stream which had a peat like colour. It reminded me of the water in the stream towards Buxton after a big rainfall. There was also an attempt to plant wind breaking bushes. These must have been planted in the autumn as they were single stalks - very young. There is no tree cover in Iceland that I have seen and very few bushes. The wind just rattles across all open areas and gains momentum to knock you off your feet. (into the sea...)
tree planting Skagastrond style |
Rusty water |
a plant stand.... |
As you can see from this, I am a little short in the actual making art department.... Well I have excuses, nay reasons. However, I did have this lovely wander around the sea cliffs and took quite a few images of where I would like to go back with my proper camera and make something. These are from my phone but I loved the colours - considering it's mid winter, the mosses and grasses are so green and there seems to be colour everywhere. I still miss the snow, as do all the other artists, especially the ones who are only there for one month, but it's inspiring to be able to walk in places I couldn't get to last year and its also good to not be falling over all the time.!!
I got back exhausted and had to sleep! I have been in all day today and am desperate to feel better tomorrow. I am still feeling a bit sorry for myself but promise I will turn it around and get back to happy, optimistic me as soon as possible!!
Just finally, opposite the house is a pile of rubbish which is very pleasing. This is what I leave you with tonight. It's obviously been pitch dark for hours, so I will be in bed for 10pm. Tomorrow is another day!
Bless bless
Aly x
Would they usually have snow at this time of year?