Monday, 9 January 2017

Thwarted by the wind..... almost.

It's Monday evening and I'm sitting in bed in my extremely warm room having earlier watched 'Never Let Me Go' with my roommates. Last night the wind became cyclonic and kept us awake all night. At one point it felt as though the roof was coming in. No snow to speak of, just howling wind. Skagaströnd became a standstill this morning with no real movement anywhere, except a bright orange clad man who walked past the window twice and found it difficult to stay on his feet. We were told to stay indoors for our own safety which we did, counting the minutes and eating what was left in the cupboard. Pesto, Avocado, cashew nuts, feta cheese and pasta. By 3 o' clock it became too much to be indoors, so we decided to brave the relatively sheltered part of the village and explore....

The reason for this decision was that the sun appeared from nowhere.

After a dull, windy and nothing kind of day, this sunshine appeared and the world lit up, albeit through the bathroom window...

So, 10 minutes of putting on thermals, extra socks, hat, scarf, gloves and boots, we ventured out. 

Eleanor being a kid

Abandoned boat far from the sea

The wind was so strong that I could hardly hold the camera still, hence this 'impressionist' image of Sophia.

Sophia and Eleanor weigh less together than I do alone, so they could hardly stand up and Sophia retreated to the warmth of the house. Eleanor and I decided to go to the sea. As I was the one with glasses, I was designated leader so that she could completely cover her face and be led, blind, past the big hole from last year and down to the waters edge. Before we got to the big windy bay, we stopped just above the harbour where it looks from this image to be perfectly calm... (fabulous hat)

So to the wide bay.....

It's impossible to get a feel for the wind from these, but bear in mind that the 'white horses' were a long long way out and seemed to go back to the horizon. Such a sense of insignificance against the elements. Luckily, we had fought the wind against us on the way to the bay, so we were pushed back home again with the wind on our backs - safe and ready for the next storm.

Tomorrow should be ok to get to the studio, so I am hoping to do some drawings. Until next time.

Bless bless


Aly x

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It would be great to hear your views or any questions you have about Iceland, Skagaströnd or the residency. Fire away!!